Don't Let a Night Out Ruin Your Prospects

Don't Let a Night Out Ruin Your Prospects

Contact a criminal defense lawyer in Mound City, Cairo or Carbondale, IL or Alexander or Pulaski County

If your night out leads to an arrest for public intoxication, you'll need to find a criminal defense lawyer. If you need a lawyer in Mound City, Cairo or Carbondale, IL or anywhere in Alexander or Pulaski County, turn to Ed Dorsey Attorney at Law. Ed Dorsey will represent you during every step of your case and provide you with sound legal counsel.

Email him now if you need representation.

Public intoxication and Illinois law

In the state of Illinois, public intoxication itself may not always lead to an arrest. Oftentimes, accompanying behavior is a requirement for arrest. These actions can include:

  • Assault
  • Drunk driving
  • Public indecency
  • Underage drinking
  • Disorderly conduct
Having an open alcoholic beverage in a motor vehicle can also lead to an arrest. The penalties of these charges can vary depending on the circumstances. A DUI defense lawyer will help you understand the charges you're facing and work with you to create your defense. Call 618-503-9105 today if you need a criminal defense lawyer.